2024 National BVP Study

2024 National Black Voter Project Survey

For Immediate Release


2024 National Black Voter Project survey

As we look toward the 2024 general election, new results from the latest Black Voter Project (BVP) public opinion survey offer unique insights into Black political attitudes and behavior. The survey, directed by Sacramento State Professor Christopher Towler (in collaboration with Black Insights Research), is a national (nonpartisan) public opinion poll that focuses on collecting rigorous and representative data of Black Americans, something seldom found in Beltway polling. The 2024 National Black Voter Project (BVP) survey was fielded from March 29 – April 18, surveying respondents about politics and society. A total of 2,004 African-American respondents were interviewed, and the survey had an average interview length of 18 mins. The survey, administered by YouGov, was stratified across age, education, gender, and region, collecting a nationally representative sample of respondents from all 50 states. The survey serves as the first of a multi-wave longitudinal study collecting recontact data in the months leading up to the election.