Three waves of nationally represented panel data from Black Americans
Electoral map
Description of Study:
Directed by Dr. Christopher Towler (Principal Investigator), the 2022 National Black Voter Project (BVP) public opinion survey is a follow-up project to both the 2019 & 2020 National BVP Studies. The project collected data from an online questionnaire administered by Dynata (formerly Survey Sample International), a non-partisan, survey research center with access to mobile panels for market and academic research. The survey was administered online based on randomly selected email addresses from lists of panel respondents who identify as African-American or Black. An online questionnaire was fielded throughout the months of October and November, 2022, surveying respondents around the 2022 midterm elections. A total 1,305 African-American respondents were interviewed, and the survey had an average interview length of 24 min. Of the 1305 interviews, 284 responses were recontact interviews of Black respondents previously surveyed in both the 2019 & 2020 National BVP Study, completed a third wave of respondents in the National BVP Panel. The remaining 1,021 interviews were of newly contacted Black respondents across the country. The survey was stratified across age, education, and gender, collecting a nationally representative sample of respondents from all 50 states.